What We Do ?

We are committed to raising awareness on environmental consciousness and the nexus between environment and public health. The organization advocates for cleaner environment, promote environmental education especially the vulnerable communities and informal industries We also police the industries to be cautious of the impact of their activities on the environment – water, soil, food, air, plants, and soil and health directly or indirectly. C-circle foundation is also involved school education on environmental issues.

Our Priority  

  • Environmental public Education
  • Public awareness on the interlinkages between environment, food and health
  • Community Empowerment
  • Implement, Evaluate and Monitor Community Projects
  • Climate change Education and Action
  • Advocacy – Environment, Food and Health
  • Police industries to do the right thing
  • Scientific documentation and Publication
  • Structure informal communities
  • Carry out community Impact Project

Mission & Vision

Our Vision

We envision our environment to be that that heals not such that cause diseases

Our Mission

To raise environmental consciousness and benefits of nature


Our Team

Chimere May Ohajinwa, PhD, MPH
Austin Onuoha, PhD
Engr. Chike Nwosu